Hybrid Working

An opportunity to collaborate sustainably with inclusion and accessibility

More and more organisations choose hybrid working models, a combination of remote and in-person working. 38% of people have worked from home in the last week alone. And how we work together in this changing environment is crucial.

A large part of efficient hybrid working is about running effective hybrid meetings. But how do you do that when some attendees are in the office while others are at home? More importantly, how can you make the meetings feel inclusive for the whole team?

After working in change management for many years, supporting individuals and organisations through this global shift in how and where we work is more than an obvious choice. It is an exciting opportunity to help create a more diverse, inclusive and accessible work environment for everyone.

Let's make hybrid work well

placeswork hybrid working consultancy and training

Through my ‘PlacesWork’ project, I have worked with industry-leading expert associates to create a range of courses, workshops and coaching offers to help organisations and professionals like you build the capacity to make hybrid working accessible for everyone.

Want to find out more how I can help your organisation adapt and take advantage of the many benefits of hybrid working and hybrid meetings? Read on to learn about our online courses or get in touch!

Our courses for hybrid working

Our PlacesWork online courses are available on Udemy. Alternatively, you can choose to integrate our courses into your in-house Learning Management System (LMS). Find out more about our courses below or get in touch for bespoke solutions.

  • Running mixed remote & in-person meetings? Learn about best practices & tools for successful hybrid meetings in this 1-hour introduction.

    In this free tutorial, we will look at some of the key considerations of hybrid meetings and why they are an important part of our workplace capabilities now and in the future.

    We will explore some of the common challenges that we might face when participating in and facilitating hybrid meetings and we will offer some tried and tested tools, strategies and approaches to support you in delivering your own successful hybrid meetings.

    Check out this free tutorial on Udemy.

  • Have you experienced challenges conducting meetings that are both in person and online?

    Do you want to support your organisation in developing a more equitable and sustainable approach to hybrid working?

    This course helps you prepare and run engaging, productive hybrid meetings with confidence!

    Look at some of the key considerations of hybrid meetings and why they are an important part of our workplace capabilities now and in the future. Explore some of the common challenges that you might face when participating in and facilitating blended/hybrid meetings. This course offers some tried and tested tools, strategies and approaches to support you in delivering your own successful hybrid meetings.

    Check out this course on Udemy.

  • Worried about working effectively in a hybrid world? This course will give you the tools to lead and manage hybrid teams successfully.

    During the course, you will be taught some of the tools utilised by PlacesWork director, Duncan Wallace, over his career in supporting passionate individuals & organisations with managing change, leadership, governance & organisational development.

    You will learn some of the core skills in managing hybrid working teams, how best to lead certain team members and you will practise delegation in a way that supports yourself and your colleagues.

    Check out this course on Udemy.

  • This is the perfect course for trainers, facilitators and people chairing hybrid meetings on a regular basis.

    This course instructs you with many examples on how to set up, use and problem-solve using Mentimeter, a great interactive survey and presentation tool as well as Google’s Jamboard, which are both great tools for running interactive and engaging hybrid meetings.

    You will pick up the tips and tricks we have learnt at PlacesWork from the live work we have undertaken with a variety of organisations and different types of humans. Our examples include conferences, strategy formation days, networks, simple training courses and meetings.

    These two free and fantastic tools will benefit any trainer or facilitator designing online, live face-to-face training and events, improving your product offering.

    Check out this course on Udemy.

  • This course enables you to achieve a better work/life balance in the context of hybrid working. Learn how to manage your time and energy as well as avoid burnout.

    The course is based on the mindfulness practice to help you notice your stress management patterns.

    During the course, you will look at your own experience of where all the time goes and how that affects you and your well-being. You will learn new techniques for managing stress in the short-term, whilst also making the best of your role at work to create the conditions for long-term resilience.

    The course is based on a tried and tested tool, used in many types of businesses and coaching sessions called 'time and energy auditing'.

    The course uses the latest trends in hybrid working patterns to explain how that interfaces with why we are seeing increasing levels of burnout in many professions.

    Check out the course on Udemy.

Curious? Then check out the videos below to learn more about our hybrid working courses or find out more on Udemy!

How to run hybrid meetings effectively

Tools for managing hybrid working patterns

Mentimeter & Jamboard for trainers/facilitators

How to make the best of hybrid working patterns

What our clients say

“To have yourself come in and teach us good practice, and how we can do this effectively has been a huge benefit. 1 week after you trained us, we have been putting it all into practice, and the feedback that we got from members was that it was the best hybrid meeting they have ever been involved in.

The people who were remote said they felt really involved. It was a great experience for them. The people who were in the room said the same. Which was all on the basis of what you taught us the week before.”

Morag Watson, Director of Policy, Scottish Renewables

Sign up for our courses on Udemy or get in touch to find out how we can help your organisation make hybrid work!

hybrid meetings in a hybrid working pattern

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